in 90 days or it's Completely FREE
in 90 days or it's completely Free
We Generate High-Quality Bookings (No Leads)
We Call and Qualify Your Appointments.
We Schedule Appointments With Just High-Quality Patients.
We Ensure the Patients Show Up to the Appointment.
We Close The Patients For You! (And Collect Full-Payment)
We Build a Solid Infrastructure and Scale Your Clinic To 7+ Figures Without The Headaches.
AI Powered Targeting: We are specialists in advertising for Weight-Loss treatments for our clients. We use AI to analyse the Macro Buying Trends across our client base in the US. Meaning our ads position your clinic in front of the audience who are ready to buy with pinpoint accuracy
In-House Medical Experts: Our approach is optimised for cash collected not just numbers on a screen, whilst providing your local audience with a medically holistic approach to Facebook Advertising.
We can have our Licensed Medical Experts Consult and Close 12-Week Packages for you.Protect your valuable time, sky rocket cash collected, protect your reputation...
AI Assisted Appointment Setting: Our system is built to run on its own, even if humans disappeared off the face of the earth. Meaning no matter what happens, our lead generation to answering FAQs and appointment booking process is built to last. Fancy selling your clinic? The ability to attract clients on autopilot without relying on 'you', can double your enterprise value...
In addition, we're always testing new ideas, plans and provide you with battle tested strategies that we apply to your business to scale it up to 7 Figures a Month.
Not expecting you to just take our word for it.
Emberflow LLC, Copyright ©2025. All Rights Reserved.
(512) 643-5828